Fantastic ITIL-DSV Answers Real Questions by SureTorrent

Fantastic ITIL-DSV Answers Real Questions by SureTorrent

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SureTorrent is famous for high-quality reliable exam bootcamp materials recent years. Our valued customers enjoy the privilege: pass guaranteed; our ITIL-DSV study guide materials find the best meaning in those candidates who have struggled hard to pass the ITIL-DSV certification exams. We have special information resources about many international companies. We promise most Reliable ITIL-DSV Exam Bootcamp materials are the latest version which are edited based on first-hand information. You can rest assured to purchase our ITIL-DSV study guide materials.

ITIL ITIL-DSV Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Value Co-creation: In this module, IT service managers and business leaders will delve into the concept of value co-creation, learning how value is not merely delivered to customers but is also created collaboratively with them. The module highlights the significance of engaging customers as active partners in the service process.
Topic 2
  • Communication and Collaboration: In the final module, IT service managers and communication specialists will develop the skills needed to foster positive relationships with stakeholders through effective communication and collaboration.
Topic 3
  • Customer Journey Mapping: This module provides customer experience professionals and service designers with the tools to map the customer journey. It involves identifying critical touchpoints, pinpointing pain points, and discovering opportunities for enhancing the customer experience, leading to improved service outcomes.
Topic 4
  • Service Level Management: This module equips IT service managers and service level managers with the skills to establish, monitor, and report on service levels to ensure they meet stakeholder requirements and agreements.
Topic 5
  • Customer Experience Management: In this module, IT service managers and customer experience professionals will gain a deeper insight into the principles of creating and sustaining a positive customer experience. It focuses on strategies to ensure that services are designed and delivered with the customer as the central focus, thereby enhancing overall satisfaction.
Topic 6
  • Service Metrics and KPIs: In this module, IT service managers and performance analysts will learn how to define and utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure, report, and enhance service performance.

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ITIL 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value (ITL4SDSV) Sample Questions (Q41-Q46):

A service provider is launching a new service. What is an appropriate method to encourage the demand for this service?

  • A. Set an early-bird price.
  • B. Introduce a freeze period before the deadline.
  • C. Add a cancellation fee to the order.
  • D. Increase the overall price of the service.

Answer: A

to create incentives that encourage early adoption and generate demand. An early-bird pricing strategy is particularly effective in this context.
* Early-Bird Price:
* Setting an early-bird price provides a discount or special pricing for those who sign up or purchase the service early. This strategy creates a sense of urgency and encourages early adoption, which can help in gaining initial traction for the service.

An organization's customers have historically been satisfied with the functionality and performance of its services. Recently, however, the organization is getting complaints about both the performance of the services and areas, such as sales and customer support. How can the organization BEST collect the information needed to address these complaints?

  • A. Gather customer service performance metrics and map to SLAs
  • B. Conduct satisfaction surveys after service interactions
  • C. Gather customer experience and service level metrics
  • D. Use feedback from service reviews to assess value realization

Answer: C

The organization can best collect the information needed to address complaints by "Gathering customer experience and service level metrics." ITIL 4 highlights the importance of understanding both the technical performance (service level metrics) and the user's perception of the service (customer experience metrics).
This holistic approach provides comprehensive insights into the areas of concern, helping the organization address both performance and customer support issues.

An organization's business-critical service is experiencing frequent downtimes and slow performances. What do you suggest to improve the situation?

  • A. Improve the recovery time object of the critical services to minimize the impact on the service value.
  • B. Match the usage of the services to the downtimes and propose actions to spread the demand.
  • C. Scale up the underlying infrastructure to increase the resilience of the service.
  • D. Coordinate with the business to understand how the services are aligned to the business goals.

Answer: D

When an organization's business-critical service is experiencing frequent downtimes and slow performances, the best approach according to ITIL 4's "Drive Stakeholder Value" is to coordinate with the business to ensure that the services are properly aligned with business goals. This ensures that any technical improvements or strategic adjustments directly support the business's objectives.
* Option A (Incorrect):Improving the recovery time objective (RTO) is important but may not address the root cause of the frequent downtimes and slow performance.
* Option B (Correct):Coordinating with the business to understand alignment is crucial. By ensuring that the services align with business goals, you can prioritize the most impactful improvements and ensure that technical adjustments meet strategic needs.
* Option C (Incorrect):Scaling up infrastructure may help with resilience, but without understanding the business alignment, this might not be the most efficient or necessary solution.
* Option D (Incorrect):Matching usage to downtimes might mitigate some issues but does not address the underlying causes of the performance problems.

An organization finds value in moving to a 'platform as a service' solution. The organization understands that it is crucial to optimize its own way of working to make this a success. What is this an example of?

  • A. Co-creation Relationship
  • B. Cooperative Relationship
  • C. Basic Relationship
  • D. Partnership

Answer: A

In ITIL 4, a "Co-creation Relationship" is a collaborative approach where both the service provider and the service consumer work closely together to create value. In this scenario, the organization understands the importance of optimizing its own way of working to successfully leverage a 'Platform as a Service' (PaaS) solution. This demonstrates a recognition that both parties must contribute actively to the success of the service, which is the essence of co-creation.
* Option A (Incorrect):A partnership is broader and may involve various degrees of collaboration but doesn't necessarily emphasize the mutual creation of value as strongly as co-creation does.
* Option B (Incorrect):A Basic Relationship is more transactional and does not involve the deep collaboration needed to optimize working processes for a PaaS solution.
* Option C (Incorrect):A Cooperative Relationship involves some level of collaboration but not to the extent where both parties are jointly optimizing their processes to create value.
* Option D (Correct):This is the correct answer. Co-creation is key in scenarios where success depends on the joint efforts of the service provider and the consumer, such as in adopting a PaaS solution.

Which statement about the end-to-end customer journey is CORRECT?Which approach would be BEST aligned to the 'design thinking' methodology at this initial 'empathy' stage?

  • A. It focuses on achieving outcomes
  • B. It reflects an overall perception
  • C. It involves optimizing touchpoints
  • D. It represents a pre-determined path

Answer: B

The correct statement about the end-to-end customer journey is that "It reflects an overall perception." ITIL 4 explains that the customer journey encompasses the entire experience a customer has with a service provider, from initial contact to final service delivery and beyond. It is about the overall perception and experience rather than just optimizing individual touchpoints.


SureTorrent ITIL-DSV exam dumps have been designed with the best possible format, ensuring all necessary information packed in them. Our experts have used only the authentic and recommended sources of studies by the certifications vendors for exam preparation. The information in the ITIL-DSV Brain Dumps has been made simple up to the level of even an average exam candidate. To ease you in your preparation, each ITIL-DSV dumps are made into easy English so that you learn information without any difficulty to understand them.

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